year of Idol?

実は Liyin Liang 氏は、1999年から始まった ANIME EXPO にずっと関わってきたらしい。
↓のインタビュー記事では、ANIME EXPO のコンセプトについて色々語っている。
・To be a Chairwoman at Anime ExpoR: Liyin Liang (2009年7月4日 animefood)

このインタビューでは、ANIME EXPO の会場選定でロサンゼルス市の都市計画が影響を及ぼしたことにも触れられている。

そして、ある意味このインタビューの山場だったのが ANIME EXPO 2009 のゲスト選定に関するところ。
以下、animefood の記事から、その部分を引用しておく。

You will have Morning Musume coming to perform this year.
They have many, many fans all over the world!
Do you expect a huge influx of guests as opposed to the numbers of last year?

I certainly would love to see all of Morning Musume’s fans come to our convention and support their favorite band, because it pumps up the guest to see that support and it allows them to perform an even more fantastic live show!
With regards to the influx of guests because of it, we might see a jump in the numbers, but it is too early to tell.
With the economy the way it is, one never knows.
However, I am encouraged by the numbers that some of our sister conventions have seen.
I am also confident is saying that, we are a very good value with regards to return on investment.
For our most basic 4 day pass, for about $70 for the 4 days, you get access to all the programming we have to offer, and this includes the concerts/main events.
An attendee can get tickets and go to all of our concert events without having to lay down an extra dollar if they don’t want to.

Some people are saying this is the year of the idol!
Do you foresee that anime expo may start taking on somewhat of a theme for each year?

I think it has to do more with timing than theme.
Our guest selection committee works in conjunction with many companies and members of the industry to procure guests at the most opportune time for the guest.
This is so the guest can receive as much exposure for the project that they are promoting as possible.
So we will usually time these appearances with new projects or anniversaries of titles etc. etc.
It also makes the atmosphere much more enjoyable because we loving having a reason to celebrate.
ANIME EXPO の事務局の苦労はどれほどのものだったのやら・・・。


*1:Carmilla Kupritz